On the behalf of our students, teachers, and administrators, I would like to welcome you to the MIA website.
As we evolve deeper into the information age, most aspects of our lives require more problem-solving, learning, communication, and interpersonal and information-gathering skills than the ones were needed during the industrial age.
To provide these basic skills, we rely on an education system designed to meet the needs of the society for a long term.
We need more than new ideas to address these problems, we need ways of thinking about education and schools. Somehow, we must find a way to create broadly supported shifts in our education system and schools that are not dependent on our traditional thinking about education and schools.
We must design new educational systems for the future. a future that is not well understood. This is our challenge.
MIA is keeping pace with this change with our secure and comfortable atmosphere.
We provide a safe educational environment for students, where they enjoy a wide area for trial and error and learn from their mistakes in a comfortable atmosphere.
Developing student's personality is one of our main priorities including leadership and sociability.
At MIA, education quality is guaranteed to be high with qualified teaching personnel.
Our well-trained and passionate teachers have designed programs that adapt processes of inquiry, discussion, decision-making and reflection.
The Curricula and book's content taught to students is well reviewed and selected with high competitiveness so our students are able to see themselves and the world around them as integrated world.
Our family takes great pride in providing the children of Amman with strong academics, a loving environment, and preparing them for success in a changing world.
We believe the important thing is not so much that every child should be taught as that every child should be given the wish to learn.
General Manager
Mr. Mahmoud Yahya